Price Hike Paragraph for All Classes and Simple Words

Price Hike Paragraph for All classes and simple words. Very easy to read and learn. and Price escalation: an in-depth analysis. Read now

Price Hike Paragraph

Price hike is the sudden increase in prices or costs of commodities. the price hike escalation is a serious bane (অভিশাপ) on the economy of Bangladesh. The vast majority of the consumers are hard hit by the recent hike in prices of the daily necessities. Price hike is caused by short supply of commodities and inflation (মুদ্রাস্ফীতি). A price increase caused by a short supply of goods is temporary. The prices come down if their supply is enhanced. But the price hike caused by inflation cannot be controlled by easy efforts. Market syndicate is mostly responsible for price hike in Bangladesh.

Moreover, some dishonest traders create artificial crisis by storing (গুদামজাত করা) essential commodities with a view to making huge profit. Whatever may be the cause, price hike causes a lot of hardships (কষ্ট) and sufferings to people. The lower income groups are severely affected by it because they have to maintain their families with their low and fixed income. It is very difficult for them to meet the excessive (অধিক) prices. Usually, they have to buy less or inferior quality (নিম্নমানসম্পন্ন) items. They are difficult to meet both their ends.

They have to go without much of what is necessary for a normal life. The working class are the worst sufferers. Price hike leads to the widespread corruption and moral degradation (নৈতিক অবক্ষয়). If price hike continues at this prevailing (বিদ্যমান) degree, the people of our country may face starvation (অনুকষ্ট) at a large scale. Price hike is a problem which cannot be solved overnight. All syndicates of the businessmen have to be suppressed boldly and inflation of money should be controlled. Annual budget in agricultural sector has to be increased to increase agri-products. Public awareness should be raised in this respect.

Price increase Paragraph in 150 Words

Price inflation has become a widespread scourge in Bangladesh, hitting the economy with relentless force. The phenomenon, characterized by a sudden rise in the prices of daily essentials, caused severe hardship to the public. At its core, price gouging stems from a combination of factors: supply shortages, inflationary trends and unscrupulous market syndicates. These factors conspire to create a volatile market where prices fluctuate unpredictably.

Particularly harmful to low-income groups, persistent price increases reduce their purchasing power, forcing them to choose inferior products or forgo essentials altogether. The working class is also under pressure, as their fixed income fails to keep pace with rising costs, leading to a life of compromise and sacrifice. Beyond economic pressures, price hikes fuel corruption and moral decay, as opportunists exploit the situation for personal gain.

Solving this problem requires a multi-pronged approach: abolishing market monopolies, controlling inflation, increasing agricultural production and raising public awareness. Only through such comprehensive measures can Bangladesh curb the harmful effects of inflation and pave the way for a more stable and equitable economy.

Price Hike : an in-depth analysis

An increase in prices, often referred to as inflation, is a phenomenon that significantly affects economic stability and consumer purchasing power within a country. In Bangladesh, the impact of price hikes is deeply felt at different levels of society, especially among the lower-income groups. This comprehensive analysis aims to dissect the multifaceted nature of price increases, exploring its causes, effects and possible solutions.

Understanding the reason

Price increases can be caused by both internal and external factors. Let’s take a look at some key drivers:

Dynamics of Supply and Demand: When demand exceeds supply, prices tend to rise. Factors such as crop failure, natural disasters or disruptions in production can lead to shortages, pushing up prices.

Inflation: A persistent increase in the general price level of goods and services contributes to price increases. Monetary policy, currency devaluation, and rising production costs all play a role in driving inflation.

Market Syndicates: Unscrupulous practices of business syndicates can artificially raise prices. These groups manipulate supply chains, hoard essential goods and create artificial shortages to maximize profits.

Impact on consumers

The consequences of price laddering are far-reaching:

Financial stress: Low and fixed income households bear the brunt of rising prices They struggle to meet basic needs, compromising on essentials due to capacity constraints.

Quality of life: Households may have to settle for lower quality products or reduce consumption altogether. The working class faces enormous challenges, as their wages often fail to keep pace with rising costs.

Corruption and Moral Decay: Price gouging can encourage corruption. Unscrupulous traders exploit the situation and aggravate the crisis. As a result moral decay affects the society in a big way.

Possible solution

Coordinated efforts are needed to tackle price hikes:

Market regulation: Boldly cracking down on business syndicates and ensuring fair competition can curb artificial inflation.

Controlled Inflation: It is very important to implement effective monetary policy and control the rate of inflation. Balancing economic growth with price stability is essential.

Agricultural investment: Increased budgetary allocation to the agricultural sector can increase production and stabilize prices.


Price escalation is a multifaceted challenge that demands proactive action. By understanding its causes and effects, we can work toward a more stable and equitable economy for all.

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