Women’s Contributions to the Development of Our Country Composition

Women’s contributions to development has acquired a worldwide recognition. In Bangladesh, as in other developing countries, the need for integration of women into the development process is widely recognized by the policy makers and planners. Significant efforts have Therefore, been made got posey states of women by ensuring their meaningful involvement in the policy making process as well as other socio-economic measures. Women are gradually coming up at an increased number to work outside o A number of women in non- women are working in both formal sectors. and non-formal large number of traditional Jobs like mills, factories, construction works, plantation. garment industries. electronics, small scale trade and business are increasing.

Most of the garment workers are women. Food for Work Programmes employ a large number of women in construction, digging, repair and maintenance work. Besides these, women have also been working in various professions, such as Law, Architecture, Engineering. Medical Science and so on. They are also working in different government offices holding responsible posts.

About 50 percent of our population is women. No nation can achieve progress and development keeping half of its population backward and out of the mainstream of all development activities. Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam said, whatever great works have been done in the world, half of those have been done by women. So, we should make the best use of our women by Imparting them education and transforming them into human capital.

Women’s Contributions to the Development of Our Country

Women are an integral part of our country’s development.  They play various roles in different spheres of life, such as economic, social, political, cultural and environmental.  Their contribution is important for the progress and welfare of the nation and its people.


Women are involved in various economic activities, such as agriculture, industry, trade, services and entrepreneurship.  They produce, process and market food and other products, generate income and employment and support their families and communities.  According to the World Survey on the Role of Women in Development, women account for 43 percent of the world’s agricultural labor force and 80 percent of Africa’s agricultural output.  Women also own and manage small and medium enterprises, which are sources of innovation and growth.  In Bangladesh, women entrepreneurs contribute 10 percent of total entrepreneurship and 6 percent of GDP:2.


In every country of the world, women are the primary caregivers of children and the elderly.  They ensure health, nutrition, education and protection of their family members and maintain social cohesion and harmony.  Women also participate in various social movements and organizations such as human rights, peace, environmental and religious groups.  They raise awareness, advocate and mobilize for social change and justice.  For example, Bangladeshi women played significant roles in the 1971 liberation war, the 1990s pro-democracy movement and the 2007 anti-corruption campaign.


Women are active citizens and leaders in the political arena.  They exercise their voting rights, run for office and hold decision-making positions at various levels of governance.  They represent the interests and needs of their constituencies, influence policy and legislation, and oversee the implementation and accountability of public services and resources.  Women also contribute formally and informally to peace-building and conflict resolution.  According to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, as of January 2021, 25.5 percent of parliamentarians and 21.9 percent of ministers in the world are women.  Women hold 22.8 percent of parliamentary seats and 18.8 percent of ministerial positions in Bangladesh.


Women are the custodians and promoters of our country’s rich and diverse cultural heritage.  They preserve, transmit and enrich the values, traditions, languages, arts and religions of their communities and regions.  They challenge and transform cultural norms and practices that discriminate and oppress them and other marginalized groups.  Women are creators and performers of various forms of cultural expression such as literature, music, dance, theater and film.  They use their creativity and talent to reflect, critique and celebrate the realities and aspirations of their society.  For example, Bangladeshi women writers have produced acclaimed works of fiction, poetry, drama and essays that address issues of gender, class, religion and nationalism.


Women are guardians and managers of the natural environment and its resources.  They depend on and interact with the environment for their sustenance, livelihood and well-being.  They also bear the brunt of environmental degradation and disasters caused by climate change, pollution and deforestation.  Women have a unique knowledge and perspective about the environment and its challenges and opportunities.  They are involved in various environmental initiatives and actions, such as conservation, restoration, adaptation and mitigation.  They also advocate for environmental justice and rights, especially for poor and vulnerable communities.  For example, women in Bangladesh have participated in movements against the construction of coal-fired power plants, dams, and nuclear reactors that threaten their land, water, and health.


The contribution of women in the development of our country is manifold and essential.  They have made and continue to make a significant impact in all walks of life.  However, women still face many barriers and challenges that limit their full potential and participation.  Therefore, it is imperative to recognize, respect and support the rights and roles of women and ensure their equal opportunities and empowerment in all areas of development.  This will benefit not only the women themselves but also the country and the entire world.

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